Harrisville GrassCam

Featured Photo

September 2006

Over 15319 images stored since May, 2000.

This is the photo that pushed the number of photos in the Archive over the 10,000 mark. A real stunner, eh? Note that the text does not say exactly how many photos are in the archive. That is because I don't know. I could count all the files to come up with a number, but I know a few of them can't be reached from the calendar pages, so I don't think they should count. There are three versions of the Archive, one on the web host, one on my PC, and the original, also on my PC, from which the other two were generated. The two copies diverged very slightly from the original when they were created, and since they have different update mechanisms, they continue to diverge very slightly from each other. The number is the truth, since it is prefixed by the hedge-word over. A conscientious and diligent GrassCam operator would reconcile all this and come up with an exact number. But, you're stuck with me.

September 2006 GrassCam home page