Harrisville GrassCam

Featured Photo

November 2006

Nov 4: Since its establishment in May of 2000, the GrassCam has been apolitical. This has changed. This photo shows the political sign which is visible but illegible in some of the archive photos.

Paul Hodes is the democratic candidate for the U.S. House in the GrassCam's district. Last month, one of his campaign workers asked for and received permission to place a Hodes sign almost within the GrassCam's camera range. Like most of the rest of the world, this person was blissfully unaware of the GrassCam's existence, and was satisified to get the sign displayed in a somewhat prominent place.

Some may think that since the GrassCam operator is not a resident of the district, he has no business butting in on a local race. I disagree. This year, more than most, the contest for congressman is a national one, and Mr. Hodes has an attribute that makes him particularly attractive for this office: he is not a member of the president's party.

In this part of New Hampshire, political signs grow like weeds. Plant one, and very soon others will grow up alongside it. That happenned here. Since the other signs were for truly local offices (governer, state senator), I removed them today.

Mr. Hodes' sign went up October 16, blew down on the 20th, and went up again on the 21st. I moved it closer to camera range today.

November 2006 GrassCam home page